About Silba


Silba has an old history which written details traces to the ninth century but the real story is of much earlier dates as a whole Dalmatia, including islands is an big enigma today about how far in the past this was an central area of rich economical and cultural activities. Silba had numerous sail ships fleet (counting about 100 ships) trading in the Adriatic as well as in Mediteran. Due to the strong trade the island has maintained seamans soul and tradition through the centuries. Silba had private nautical school and number of old captains and their old houses looks like seamas museums. Silba has six churches and other sacral values as result of deep culture and prosper. Furthermore three old castles in the village und number of small look out positions around the island were part of good organized protection.

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Earlier the island was under vine, olives und other mediteranean cultures. Vine was famous und sheeps cheese is of the quality equal to the Pag’s cheese. Today island is very greeny,vith numerous beaches, clean sea and peacefull, announced park of nature. More informations you may find on various web pages about the island like www.silba.net .

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